Nov 3, 2020


Available about complex — Injective Protocol

Many of us find projects in the crypto industry, but can’t understand the technical details. Let’s fix it!

In this article we will analyze the available language, what Injective Protocol is, and what its main advantages are.

Let’s find out what Injective Protocol is!

First of all, it is a universal DeFi protocol for cross-chain chain assets trading. What does it mean?

You have the possibility to create and trade in any markets you want.

The second point is that — while trading you earning rewards in case you are participating in liquidity mining. Not bad, huh?

The protocol successfully solves the main problems that currently exist on decentralized exchanges: high fees, slow speed, non-functional frontend interface.

The Protocol uses the Ethereum and Cosmos ecosystems in order to create flexible and fast trading between chains that charges zero gas fees. Every block of this system made to be trustless, censorship-free, publicly verifiable, running resistance.

INJ token is the native asset of Injective Protocol and is used across for protocol governance, exchange fee value capture, derivative collateralization, liquidity mining, and staking. INJ token like blood for Protocol body.

I hope that this brief overview was useful to you and that you have a better understanding of the innovative features Injective Protocol offers us.

If you have any questions, don`t hesitate to ask me at @AthinkT.

